Women's Health Newsletters 3/6/05 - 5/15/05
********** Health Newsletter *********** March 6, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biweekly from BackupMD on the Net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Vitamin D deficiency in the elderly 2. Walking shoes 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Thirsty with dry skin 4. Changes in drug metabolism during pregnancy 5. Health tip to share - Ankle sprains and arthritis 6. Humor is healthy The next newsletter will be in two weeks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Vitamin D deficiency in the elderly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The building blocks for Vitamin D, which helps strengthen both bones and muscles, are manufactured in the skin. Under the influence of sunlight, as little as 10 minutes a day, the building blocks are converted to vitamin D. As we age, the skin becomes less efficient at manufacturing the building blocks (provitamin calcidiol) so that by age 75 there is a marked impairment of skin vitamin D synthesis. Sometimes the elderly are more confined inside such as in nursing homes or by being partially physically disabled in their own home. This leads to a Vitamin D deficiency much more commonly than has been suspected. The following review article in the British Medical Journal makes several important points: "The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in elderly people is much greater than previously realised, especially among those who are house bound." "Vitamin D deficiency is associated with muscle weakness as well as osteomalacia (bone thinning)" "Deficiency is also associated with falls and fractures among elderly people that are not explained by reduced bone density" "Supplementation of 800 IU of vitamin D daily is needed to have an effect on falls" Since vitamin D can be stored in the body, it can be taken by shot (100,000 IU of vitamin D every 4 months) as well as by mouth (800 IU a day). Many calcium supplementations have added vitamin D but 400IU a day is probably not enough. Studies have shown that in this dose (800 IU per day), many falls can be avoided as well as bone fractures. In one of the Women's Health and aging studies, the incidence of vitamin D deficiency was 8.3% in those aged 65-74, 14.5% at ages 75-84, and 17.4% at 85 and over. I would suggest that after the age of 65 or even before then if a person is more confined inside with little sunlight exposure, calcium supplementation with added vitamin D should be taken. The exception might be if you have a history of calcium based kidney stones; in that case see your physician to have the vitamin D measured. Vitamin D deficiency in the elderly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Walking shoes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You would think that all shoes should be classified as walking shoes since that is the most common use of any shoe, but that would be wrong. There are special features on shoes now that making prolonged walking easier on the feet. If you do any amount of walking, primarily for exercise, you should make sure your shoes are built especially for walking. Some of the features that are desirable in a walking shoe are: a wide toe box to prevent calluses or irritation of bunions and hammertoes arches that support your particular high, low or neutral foot arch an ankle collar that cushions the ankle and makes a snug fit an Achilles notch that keeps pressure at the ankle off of the Achilles tendon an insole or gel pad that cushions and reduces impact energy when your feet hit the ground a firm support in the heel of the shoes that stabilizes your feet if they tend to roll inward as the feet hit the ground an upper shoe material that allows your foot to breathe When you replace any worn walking shoes or buy new shoes for any reason, there are helpful tips: take your "walking socks" with you to the store to try on the shoes make sure the width is not too tight; women with wide feet may need men's sizes for more width in the heel and ball of the foot. there should be at least a half inch between your longest toe and the inside of the shoe if one foot is longer or wider than the other, buy the larger size walk in the shoes in the store; they should be comfortable immediately When it is time to use the shoes, wear loose comfortable clothing that breathes. Warm up by walking in place until you feel a little warm and then do some muscle stretching exercises. Start walking slow and easy and then build up to what is comfortable. Fifteen minutes may be plenty if you are just starting a walking program. Beginners should consider starting out at just 15 minutes twice a week and build up to about 30 minutes 5 days a week. This build up is over a 10 week period. You may be interested in this article at Mayo Clinic about the ins and outs of walking shoes. Walking shoes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Thirsty with dry skin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I am having a problem with constant thirst, very dry skin, and peeling nails. Is there anything other than diabetes that would cause this/these problems? I am currently 45 y.o. and am menopausal, no menstruation for 11 months, on no meds, and gluten sensitive." - MJ What has your doctor said about these symptoms? Have you had any tests run? I assume you have not been putting up with peeling nails without seeking medical opinion from someone else. Other than being chronically dehydrated due to exercise or living in a very warm climate, thirst can be knocked off kilter by diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes) or diabetes insipidus which is a brain hormone abnormality. There can be practical reasons for dry skin such as: low home humidity due to home heating rubbing alcohol certain chemicals and cleaning products Medical conditions associated with newly acquired dry skin include: psoriasis eczema contact dermatitis fungal skin infection heatstroke/sunstroke hypothyroidism uremia due to kidney failure vitamin A deficiency Peeling nails are commonly seen in people who repeatedly immerse their hands in water, and in women who use nail enamel or acrylics. Rarely, it shows up due to nail fungal infections, anemia, arterial insufficiency, or metabolic disorders like hypothyroidism (low thyroid). Occasionally, psoriasis, lichen planus and the use of oral retinoids can cause brittleness of the nails. The underlying cause appears to be a drying out of the nail plate through the use of solvents, such as nail enamel. Water exposure expands the nail volume, and drying causes it to contract. This repeated cycle weakens the nail matrix, leading to fractures. What about the water exposure of your nails and use of nail cosmetics? If you really have not seen a physician yet you should. You will probably need blood sugar assessment, thyroid studies (TSH) and possibly kidney function studies, (BUN serum creatinine, urine osmolality). If all of those studies are normal, I would suggest seeing a dermatologist to look at your skin and nails to make sure you do not have a fungal nail infection or skin condition that predisposes you to dryness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Changes in drug metabolism during pregnancy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How your body metabolizes drugs is mostly determined by the cytochrome P450 system. Cytochrome P450 is a microstructure in our body's cells that is responsible for creating the enzymes that process (activate or deactivate) chemicals of all kinds within our bodies. Scientists have found that up to half of all Americans have genetic modifications of this system in that they metabolize drugs differently from one another. People may be: Normal metabolizer - likely to have the desired effect from a standard dose of the drug Slow (intermediate) metabolizer - do not need as high a dose of the drug to get the desired effect Poor metabolizer - likely to have significant side effects from a standard dose because the drug accumulates in your system Extensive metabolizer - your system works at triple speed and overtime so that you require a higher dose to have the desired drug effect So far, no one had really measured whether pregnancy changes this system. Recent investigators at the University of Minnesota looked at the cytochrome P450 system during pregnancy to see if pregnancy itself made an additional difference in how we metabolize drugs through this system. They found that one of the enzyme system variants decreased by about 30-60% while two other variants increased about 30-50%. Right now it is still hard to say which drug will cause more or less side effects or therapeutic effects in a given pregnant individual, but the essence is that every person potentially may metabolize a drug differently than someone else and this should be taken into account by doctors. From your point of view as someone who may be prescribed certain drugs, you need to carefully understand the side effect profile of any medication you are prescribed so you can quickly tell if you may be metabolizing a standard drug dose differently than the doctor would expect of most people. Drug metabolism in Pregnancy Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Health tip to share - Ankle sprains and arthritis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arthritis of the ankle often occurs within a couple of decades after an ankle fracture. Arthritis may also occur just from an ankle sprain. If the sprain makes the ankle joint unstable, there is evidence than a vast majority of people will end up with arthritis in the ankle. If you have a sports injury or even just an around-the-house injury of your ankles, make sure you find out what physical therapy is needed to build up the muscles to stabilize the ankle joint in order to ward off arthritis of that joint in later years. This is especially true if you have had more than one sprain of the same ankle. - FRJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Humor is healthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Three elderly women" Three elderly women are sitting in a diner, chatting about various things. One lady says, "You know, I'm getting really forgetful. This morning, I was standing at the top of the stairs, and I couldn't remember whether I had just come up or was about to go down." The second lady says, "You think that's bad? The other day, I was sitting on the edge of my bed, and I couldn't remember whether I was going to bed or had just woken up!" The third lady smiles smugly. "Well, my memory's just as good as it's always been, knock on wood." She raps the table. With a startled look on her face, she asks, "Who's there?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this time. Your BACKUPMD on the Net. Rick Frederick R. Jelovsek MD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
********** Health Newsletter *********** March 20, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biweekly from BackupMD on the Net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Lack of Vitamin E effects on heart disease and cancer 2. Avian influenza (bird flu) 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Nighttime Incontinence 4. St John's Wort for depression 5. Health tip to share - Thirst and peeling nails 6. Humor is healthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Lack of Vitamin E effects on heart disease and cancer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In experimental studies with animals and in the lab, various forms of Vitamin E have been touted as useful to prevent heart disease and even cancer by its antioxidant properties. Unfortunately there continue to be studies that dispute any beneficial effects of Vitamin E when taken by human subjects as food supplements. The argument in favor of Vitamin E notes that most of the studies in humans have not been carried out long enough to see the benefits or they claim that the "correct form" of Vitamin E was not used. Now a large study of over 1000 patients with diabetes using a daily dose of natural source vitamin E (400 IU) or matching placebo has been reported. The average length of follow-up is over 7 years. In this study they found no difference in the new occurrence of either heart disease or cancer in either group. New cancer incidence was 11.6% in the vitamin E group vs 12.3% in the placebo group. Major cardiac events were 21.5% in the vitamin E group and 20.6% in the placebo group. There actually was a slightly higher incidence of heart failure and hospitalizations for heart failure in the vitamin E group. This study in diabetics concluded that long term vitamin E supplementation does not prevent cancer or major cardiovascular events and may actually increase the risk for heart failure. I am not sure that one can still justify taking Vitamin E supplements for the purpose of trying to prevent either heart disease or cancer. Vitamin E lack of effects on heart disease and cancer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Avian influenza (bird flu) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While most viruses are unique to the species that they cause disease in, more and more instances are occurring of cross species infections. For example West Nile virus, SARS, hantavirus and monkey pox virus are examples that started in animals and then spread to humans to cause serious diseases. HIV was originally a monkey infection. Now we are concerned with Avian Flu virus (bird influenza). It has caused some infections in Southeast Asia, originating in about 1997 in Hong Kong. Avian flu is like regular flu but worse. It causes the usual cough, fever, sore throat and muscle aches of regular flu but often it progresses to a viral pneumonia or adult respiratory distress syndrome which can be life threatening. These are the complications that are the common causes of flu related deaths. Bird flu is a type A influenza that commonly causes influenza pandemics as opposed to a type B or C influenza which are milder and cause less spread and severe symptoms. MayoClinic.com has a good explanation of how people get this infection: 1. Wild birds shed the virus. Infected migratory waterfowl, the natural carriers of avian influenza viruses, shed the virus in their droppings, saliva and nasal secretions. 2. The virus spreads to domesticated birds. Domestic poultry become infected from contact with these birds or with contaminated water, feed or soil. They may also catch the disease the same way humans contract conventional flu by inhaling the airborne virus. Bird flu spreads quickly and lethally within a flock and is inadvertently transported from farm to farm on tractors and other equipment, on cages, and on workers' shoes and clothing. Heat destroys the virus, but it can survive for extended periods in cool temperatures. 3. Markets provide pathways to humans. Open air markets, where eggs and birds are often sold in crowded and unsanitary conditions, are hotbeds of infection and spread the disease into the wider community. People who come in contact with the birds, their meat or their eggs are susceptible to contracting bird flu. As usual the solution is cleanliness to keep the virus from spreading. If you contract the flu and it becomes quite severe, the doctor has to send off a specimen for testing to the Centers for Disease Control since very few local laboratories have the ability to test for this influenza virus. Avian influenza (bird flu) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Nighttime Incontinence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Is there such a thing as nighttime incontinence? This has been going on for 2 yrs now, where I don't wake up in time to go to the bathroom. No particular pattern, it can happen one night and not again for a month or 3 mos, but then again it can happen 2 or 3 nights in a row. No incontinence during the daytime. I am 53, insulin resistant diabetes (I take 1 Avandia daily) diagnosed 2 yrs ago. I get up every night to go to the bathroom, but these occasions where I don't wake up in time are very distressing." - DF The symptom you are speaking about is medically called "nocturnal enuresis." It is not so much incontinence as it is a spontaneous voiding in which your bladder muscle contracts and the urethral muscle (the tube from the bladder to the outside) relaxes just as if you had voluntarily wanted to pass urine. The difference is that you are asleep and have no conscious recall of "allowing voiding to take place". This symptom is more common in children than adults and is often thought to be due to such sound sleeping in children that they just do not wake up when their bladder tells them it is full. It is estimated, however, that up to 2% of adults have this problem. Adults who are taking some sort of sedatives, anti-depressants, anti-epileptics, narcotic-like pain medicines or excess alcohol run the risk of sleeping so soundly that this nighttime problem happens. I do not think it is a side effect of Avandia although sometimes Avandia does cause fluid retention. Another cause of the new development of nocturnal enuresis can be loss of nerve sensation from the bladder telling your brain it is full. In this situation you have an over distended bladder full of urine that just finally gets so full, it fires off the bladder contraction muscle (detrusor) and relaxes the urethral muscle itself without your brain ever knowing about it. Long standing diabetes can cause this type of nerve sensation loss as well as arthritis of the spine that is pressuring nerves. Sometimes multiple sclerosis which is a disease of the nerves can cause this too but usually there are other symptoms before just urinary problems. Men can get a bladder over- distention problem from prostate enlargement. Sleep apnea usually results in the opposite problem, i.e., frequent night time voiding, but occasionally it can present as nocturnal enuresis. The doctor may want to order a sleep study on you. There is an effective treatment available for nocturnal enuresis so it is important to see your doctor or even a urologist for this. Identify any reasons you might be sleeping "too soundly" and eliminate them. Restrict fluids within 2-3 hours of bedtime. Your physician may want you to try a nasal spray called desmopressin that restricts urine production at night. There may also be some further testing needed as indicated above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. St John's Wort for depression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many of the studies indicating that the herb, St John's Wort (hypericum extract) is effective for treating depression have come from Germany where physicians have prescribed herbal medicines for decades. There have been some U.S. studies indicating effectiveness of St John's Wort in mild depression but in general, U.S. physicians do not use it much for moderate and severe depression. The study below recently reported in the British Medical Journal looked at a comparison of St John's Wort, 900 mg a day of hypericum extract, with 20 mg a day of paroxetine (Paxil). The St John's Wort was actually slightly more effective than the paroxetine in reducing depression symptoms and also it had about half of the side effect events that paroxetine had. St Johns' Wort can have interactions with certain blood pressure medicines and other pharmaceuticals so it is not totally benign. One review of the literature study found that St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) lowers blood concentrations of cyclosporin, amitriptyline, digoxin, indinavir, warfarin, and theophylline. It also can cause intermenstrual bleeding, delirium or mild serotonin syndrome, respectively, when used along with oral contraceptives (ethinylestradiol/desogestrel), loperamide or selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (sertaline, paroxetine, nefazodone). Except for some of these uncommon side effects, St John's Wort is quite low in any adverse reactions compared with most prescription medicines. Still, it probably is a good idea to seek a physician's help before self-prescribing if you suspect anything other than a very mild depression. St John's Wort for depression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Health tip to share - Thirst and peeling nails ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I would like to make a comment in response to the person who wrote in about excessive thirst, dry skin and peeling nails. They also mention having gluten sensitivity. This could possibly be a sign of celiac sprue. I have all of the above, plus much more. Just going to the doctor will, in all probability, not tell the person that they have celiac, unless they specifically request the blood test (from a doctor who is knowledgeable about celiac). This is one of the most misdiagnosed diseases, and I am finding very few doctors who know anything about it. " - HRS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Humor is healthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Beware The Ringing In Your Ears" A man sought medical aid because he had popped eyes and a ringing in the ears. A doctor looked him over and suggested removal of his tonsils. The operation resulted in no improvement, so the patient consulting another doctor who suggested removal of his teeth. The teeth were extracted but still the man's eye popped and the ringing in his ears continued. A third doctor told him bluntly, "You've got six months to live." In that event, the doomed man decided he'd treat himself right while he could. He bought a flashy car, hired a chauffeur, had the best tailor in town make him 30 suits. Then he decided that even his shirts would be made-to-order. "Okay," said the shirt maker, "let's get your measurement. Hmm, 34 sleeve, 16 collar--" "Fifteen" the man said. "Sixteen collar," the shirt maker repeated, measuring again. "But I've always worn a 15 collar," said the man. "Look," the shirt maker said, "I'm warning you. You keep on wearing a 15 collar and your eyes will pop and you'll have ringing in your ears." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this time. Your BACKUPMD on the Net. Rick Frederick R. Jelovsek MD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
********** Health Newsletter *********** April 3, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biweekly from BackupMD on the Net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Tension-type headache 2. Earwax removal 3. Reader submitted Q&A - 4. Urinary tract infection and E.coli bacteria 5. Health tip to share - Little sleep and weight gain 6. Humor is healthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Tension-type headache ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The most common headache is one known as tension- type headache. it can go by other names such as muscle contraction headache, psychogenic headache, depressive headache, essential headache or ordinary headache. It is not usually a sign of a serious disease but it certainly can affect daily living activities. It produces a pain on both sides of the head, not just the right or left half of the head, and it is likened to having a tight band around the head. It may also cause pain in the back of your neck at the base of your skull. For many years doctors thought that tension headaches were from involuntary tightening of the head and neck muscles. Subsequent studies have shown that is not true, muscle tension in not increased. A substance called nitric oxide may be a cause of headaches as well as other brain chemicals. There are two classes of tension-type headaches, episodic and chronic. Episodic headaches occur less that 15 times a month and usually last from minutes to hours. Chronic headaches occur more than 15 times a month and often can be almost constant throughout the day. Triggers for tension-type headaches can be stress or anxiety, lack of sleep, poor eating habits, high blood pressure and even overuse of headache medications. Hormone changes and prescription medications can also be responsible. Chronic teeth grinding (bruxism) or past history of head or neck trauma can also play a role. The list of associated causes is almost endless. Treatment is mostly over-the-counter analgesics. These should be supplemented with rest, relaxation techniques, exercise, ice packs and any other method that seems to abate the headache. Prescription sedatives and narcotic analgesics are not used as a first line treatment because of their addicting qualities as well as propensity to just make the headaches more frequent as chronic use takes place. If the headaches seem to continue for more than a couple of months, you may need to institute preventative measures such as exercise, yoga, relaxation techniques and then talk to your doctor about some of the non-prescription analgesics or the non-narcotic prescription medications that can help prevent tension-type headaches such as propanolol, SSRI's or antidepressants. Tension-type headache ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Earwax removal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Earwax buildup causing hearing loss has been with mankind forever. It can be embarassing to go to the doctor just to have ear wax removed so you can hear again. Many people learn to treat the problem themselves but Q-tips are not always the answer. They can often ram the wax deeper into the ear canal and make hearing worse. If you use something liquid to irrigate the ear canals, what should you use? Are there special solutions that are any better than just water alone? How successful is home ear irrigation? The article below looked at randomized trials of different liquids and oils for irrigation, with or without using a syringe or bulb of some sort to spray the liquid in the canal under gentle force. Just using saline poured in the ear (without a syringe) was as effective as other gentle cleansing compounds that were tested. It worked about 20% of the time. Both corn oil and olive oil were about 60-70% successful when used with a syringe to irrigate the canal but actually this was not much different that using saline or any of the other water-based irrigations. Syringing was, however, more effective than just pouring the liquid in the ear canal without any irrigation pressure. One study showed that about 0.5% (1 in 240) people who used syringe irrigation on a regular basis developed chronic ringing (tinnitus) in the ears so it is not without a small amount of hazard. Earwax removal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Little sleep and weight gain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I have read a lot recently about sleep deprivation and weight gain. I was always very skinny. About my second year into working double shifts, I gained weight at a rapid pace even though my food intake actually got healthier and I did not eat more. Eventually it capped off. I went from 110 to 160. I have been doing this time of work schedule for almost 10 years. Due to work being slow, my hours have decreased. Will I return to the way I was since my sleep will go from 4 hrs back to about 6-7 a night? My one day off, I had pretty much just slept the day away. I know you can not catch up on sleep, but at least I don't feel as strange anymore. I never adapted to the little sleep even after a decade. I am 36 years old." - anonymous Overweight individuals get less sleep than normal weight people. It is almost proportionally less sleep as is the number of pounds overweight. These statistics may be misleading, however, because obese people have more sleep disturbances than normal weight people. Sleep apnea, snoring, restless legs syndrome and other conditions that limit sleep are more common among the overweight. Thus it is not certain which comes first, the loss of sleep or the weight gain. Some studies have looked at shift changes and what happens with weight gain. In one study going from an 8-hour work day to a 12 hour work day, men had increased fatigue and weight gain but the weight gain averaged only about 2 pounds over a year. In another study of hospital workers, late shift employees put on about 9-10 pounds compared to day-shift workers. They also had more naps but skipped more meals (and yet gained more weight). A study of nurses on night shift showed that they actually slept more hours than the day shift nurses. When satisfaction with shift work was looked at, workers who could get along with much less average sleep than normal (5-6 hours per night) had much higher satisfaction ratings than those who needed more sleep each night. Dissatisfied workers actually had more hours of sleep each night but they were not rested; it was as if they constitutionally needed more sleep. As you can see, the data does not support a 50 pound weight gain from having to work the night shift but it is very possible that you are one of the people who constitutionally needs 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night and you may begin to undergo spontaneous weight loss to some extent when you switch back to day shift. You would have to do this on a consistent schedule. I hope you do lose weight as your work and sleep schedule get more straightened out. You may not lose the full 50 pounds back to your original 110 pounds, but even a 10-15 pound loss will make you feel much better and healthier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Urinary tract infection and E.coli bacteria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sulfa-based antibiotics are often the treatment of choice for an uncomplicated urinary tract infection (cystitis). However the most common urinary bacterial pathogen is E.coli, a common bowel bacteria, and it is becoming more and more resistant to sulfa antibiotics. Common substitutes for sulfa antibiotics (Bactrim(R), Septra(R)) that are used to treat cystitis are amoxicillin- clavulanate (Augmentin(R)) and ciprofloxin (Cipro(R)). A recent study from Seattle, Washington looked at treating over 300 women with cystitis with Augmentin(R) or Cipro(R). They gave the antibiotics for 3 days after obtaining urine bacterial cultures. They also did vaginal cultures for E. coli. Initial cure rates (2 weeks) were 76% for women treated with amoxicillin-clavulanate compared with 95% of women treated with ciprofloxacin. But the long term (4 month) cure rate was only 58% for women treated with amoxicillin-clavulanate compared with 77% for those treated with ciprofloxin. This was due to the fact that in the first two weeks, amoxicillin-clavulanate was inferior to ciprofloxin in its ability to eradicate vaginal E coli, thus facilitating early reinfection. Not only does this this study show that ciprofloxin is more effective than amoxicillin- clavulanate for cystitis but also that the major reason for failure of any antibiotics is the presence E.coli in the vagina that are antibiotic resistant. More important than a urine culture at 2 weeks to test for cure of a UTI would be a vaginal culture for E. coli because that is where the recurrent infection is commonly coming from. Urinary tract infection and E.coli bacteria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Health tip to share ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I have had problems with my feet, very sensitive, hurt if walked too long, in general I was very concerned with my feet. One doctor xrayed them and told me I had arthritis on my big toes. Doctor prescribed me ultram and it did help quite a bit. I decided one day I was not going to use Aspartame in my food or drinks any more. All of the sudden my feet don't hurt anymore and I quit my medicine. I don't know for sure if the quitting of Aspartame did it or not. But maybe someone else would have done the same and got same results." - DCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Humor is healthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The Fatitudes" In the beginning, G~d covered the earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, with green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives. Then, using God's bountiful gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's and Krispy Kreme. And Satan said: "You want hot fudge with that?" And Man said: "Yes!" And Woman said: "I'll have one, too...with sprinkles." And they gained 10 pounds. And G~d created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair. And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat, and sugar from the cane, and combined them. And Woman went from size 2 to size 14. So G~d said: "Try my fresh green garden salad." And Satan presented crumbled Bleu Cheese dressing and garlic toast on the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast. G~d then said: "I have sent you heart-healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to cook them." And Satan brought forth deep-fried coconut shrimp, butter-dipped lobster chunks, and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man's cholesterol went through the roof. Then G~d brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with potassium and good nutrition. Then Satan peeled off the healthful skin, sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them in animal fats, adding copious quantities of salt. And Man packed on more pounds. G~d then brought forth running shoes so that his children might lose those extra pounds. And Satan introduced cable TV with remote control so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And Man and Woman laughed and cried before the flickering light and started wearing stretchy lycra jogging suits. G~d then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite. And Satan created McDonald's and the 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then Satan said: "You want fries with that?" And Man replied: "Yes! And super size 'em! And Satan said: " It is good." And Man and Woman went into cardiac arrest. G~d sighed...and created quadruple by-pass surgery. Satan chuckled and created HMOs.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this time. Your BACKUPMD on the Net. Rick Frederick R. Jelovsek MD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
********** Health Newsletter *********** April 17, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biweekly from BackupMD on the Net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Noise induced hearing loss 2. Mental health - what's normal what's not 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Cluster headache 4. Aspirin for women does not prevent heart attacks 5. Health tip to share - Fibromyalgia and diet 6. Humor is healthy The next newsletter will be in two weeks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Noise induced hearing loss ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As we age, many individuals undergo some degree of hearing loss. As many as 40% of adults over age 65 have difficulty hearing and 30% of people over age 85 are deaf in at least one ear. Age related hearing loss may occur because of blood vessel atherosclerosis or arthritis of the small bones of the ear (otosclerosis) but most commonly it is just a lifetime accumulation of events such as past trauma, drug effects, noise injury or ear infections that injure the nerve cells and hairs of the inner ear. Many times, however, the above causes can produce hearing loss at a younger age if the insult is great enough. Noise related hearing loss falls into this category. In fact over one-third of all people with hearing loss have all or some part of their loss attributable to noise injury. Noise injury hearing loss tends to produce difficulty hearing all pitches of sound from low to high while purely age related hearing loss is more associated with high pitched sounds. Any sound over about 80-90 decibels (dB) can produce hearing injury over time. City traffic noise is about 80 decibels so noises louder than that should make you seek hearing protection if you are exposed on a regular basis. If you are constantly around or personally use power tools such as wood working, manufacturing machinery, lawn mowers, weed eaters, chain saws, or leaf blowers for example, you need to have ear protection. Even less frequent but louder sounds such as guns firing, explosions, hammering or other construction noises, snowmobiles, motorcycles or go-carts will cause hearing loss by injury to the ear nerve cells. Exposure to sudden or continuous loud noise may cause only a temporary hearing loss. If the hearing recovers, it usually take place 16 to 48 hours after exposure to loud noise. If you get an immediate hearing loss from a sudden loud noise it may be accompanied by tinnitus, a ringing, buzzing, or roaring in the ears or head. Sometimes the tinnitus subsides over time but at other times it can be present constantly or occasionally throughout a lifetime. Hearing loss is like skin sun damage. When we are young we tend to ignore the long term damaging effects of noise or sunburn. When we finally end up with hearing loss or wrinkles/skin cancers, we regret not having used protection all along. As adults who are responsible for children, we need to educate them about the risks which are not usually immediate but rather delayed and long term. To prevent noise related hearing loss, the National Institute on Deafness and other Hearing Disorders recommends: 1. Know which noises can cause damage (those above 90 decibels). 2. Wear earplugs or other hearing protective devices when involved in a loud activity (special earplugs and earmuffs are available at hardware stores and sporting good stores). 3. Be alert to hazardous noise in the environment. 4. Protect children who are too young to protect themselves. 5. Make family, friends, and colleagues aware of the hazards of noise. Noise induced hearing loss ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Mental health - what's normal what's not ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It can be difficult to distinguish between normal daily stress that keeps us alert and on our toes versus such severe anxiety that needs medical treatment so that our decision-making in daily life is not impaired. It can be difficult to distinguish normal grief from a major depressive reaction requiring counseling and/or anti- depressant medication. When does situational anxiety become a full blown panic disorder that requires treatment in order to preserve daily living activity? In other words, how do we distinguish between those events that may produce a change in our mental health versus the time when one has a mental illness that must be treated? The answer is, it is "very tricky". Even medical scientists and mental health experts have trouble always agreeing. The line between normal and abnormal is often blurred mainly because there is a huge range of what's normal. Well if the doctors have difficulty telling when mental illness begins, how can you be expected to recognize the difference in yourself or your family or friends? To generalize about this, doctors look to see if there is any functional impairment in what would normally be considered daily living activities of a person due to how that person feels and thinks. For example, allowing dishes to go unwashed for days stopping bathing washing hands almost constantly avoid any socializing losing interest in hobbies or previously fun activities yelling at your family more often having negative thoughts that you cannot stop or put out of your mind inability to sleep sleeping almost all of the time all would be examples that normal daily living activities are being significantly affected or altered. When this happens, treatment by a qualified mental health professional can often be beneficial. Many people have normal eccentricities that do not represent mental illness so you should mainly look for daily living alterations that are harmful to that person or others. The is not x-ray or blood test for mental illness so just keep your eye out for some of the above behaviors or other behaviors that you consider detrimental. You may be interested in this recent article from Mayo Clinic. Mental health - what's normal what's not ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Cluster headache ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Is it possible that Imitrex would help a cluster headache? I get really bad headaches and thought they were either sinus or migraine; but while in the neurologist office with Mom read some of the wall literature and the symptoms I experience seemed to fit the cluster type---eyes watering, very nasal and feeling like someone had my nose in a vice grip and were twisting it causing pain everywhere else, head, eyes, ears, neck. I had tried treating them with an over-the-counter decongestant or sinus medication first and if that didn't work after the allotted time, took the Imitrex. Trouble is it usually takes 6 hours or more to get rid of the thing and then one still doesn't feel quite right for the rest of the day." - B Cluster headaches often have sudden onset and start behind one eye or the temple or forehead. The eye and nose on that one side can become red, swollen and runny. The eyelid may be droopy. While a cluster headache is one sided, in up to 20% of people it can occur on the other side but it does not occur on both sides at once. The headaches cause extreme restlessness and can be quite frightening. The cause of cluster headaches is unknown but they are not related to other diseases and do not tend to run in families although occasionally (1 in 20), sufferers will have a relative who has cluster headaches. Men have these much more often than women. A cluster headache can last a few minutes or several hours, but it usually lasts for 30 to 45 minutes. Cluster headaches typically occur at the same time each day for several weeks, until the "cluster period" is over. Cluster periods usually last 4 to 8 weeks and may occur every few months. At other times, no cluster headaches will occur. The diagnosis is made by your doctor based upon symptoms and when they occur. There is no diagnostic test or x-ray to make the diagnosis. If you think you may have cluster headaches you should keep a very precise calendar record of when, how long and how severe the headaches are. Do this over a couple of weeks and take it to your personal physician or neurologist. Also keep track of possible triggers such as alcohol, smoking, naps, or exposure to volatile or strong smelling substances right before the headache. It sounds as if you are trying to diagnose yourself. I would recommend having the doctor make the diagnosis so you can follow standard treatment regimens. These treatment regimens are usually composed of two phases; prevention and active treatment once you have the headache. Methysergide, lithium and verapamil are used for prevention but need to be monitored by your doctor. Imitrex(R) (Sumatriptan) injections (but not by nasal spray) may used for treating an acute cluster headache as well as oxygen administered by nose. It may take up to 20 minutes for the headache to abate. Judging from what you describe, it does not sound as if you are having cluster headaches but if you are, they are not responding to Imitrex(R) like they should. If this is true, it is all the more important to make sure the doctor agrees that you have cluster headaches so he/she can treat you with both a preventative medication and also with something for an acute headache. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Aspirin for women does not prevent heart attacks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The original studies of taking a baby aspirin daily to prevent heart attacks was performed in men, not women. Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine reported a study in over 39,000 healthy women, 45 years of age or older. They received 100 mg of aspirin every other day or placebo. They were then monitored for 10 years for a first major cardiovascular event (i.e., nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes). They found there was no significant reduction in risk of the major cardiovascular events. There was no reduction of risk of heart attack (myocardial infarction) nor reduction in death from cardiovascular disease. When looking at the subgroups, the aspirin may have reduced some instances of strokes but when everything was added together, they could not conclude that aspirin was beneficial. In fact there was a higher incidence of gastrointestinal bleeding requiring blood transfusion in the women who had aspirin. From this study, I would conclude that the healthy woman who wants to prevent serious cardiovascular events should NOT use aspirin for that purpose. Aspirin for women to prevent heart attacks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Health tip to share - Fibromyalgia and diet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I'm 50 years old and have suffered Fibromyalgia for the past 10 years. I started on a vegetable diet and felt almost 100% better. I'm able to sleep through the night just by changing my diet. Eat NO sugars, breads or red meats." -A.H. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Humor is healthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A letter to the Tide Company" Dear Tide: I'm writing to say what an excellent product you have! I've used it since the beginning of my married life, when my Mom told me it was the best. Now that I am older and going through menopause, I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My unfeeling and uncaring husband started to berate me about how clumsy I was and generally started becoming a pain in the neck. One thing led to another and I ended up with a lot of his blood on my white blouse. I tried to get the stain out by using a bargain detergent, but it just wouldn't come out. After a quick trip to the supermarket, I purchased a bottle of liquid Tide with bleach alternative, and to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out! In fact, the stains came out so well, that when the detectives came by yesterday, they told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my attorney called and said that I would no longer be considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband. What a relief! I thank you, once again, for having such a great product. Well, gotta go. I have to write a letter to the Hefty bag people... (Signed) A Relieved Menopausal Wife ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this time. Your BACKUPMD on the Net. Rick Frederick R. Jelovsek MD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
********** Health Newsletter *********** May 1, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biweekly from BackupMD on the Net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Do mammograms pose any risk? 2. Blood mercury levels and performance 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Recurrent breast lumps 4. Facts about sarcoidosis 5. Health tip to share - Cluster H.A. and low carbs 6. Humor is healthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Do mammograms pose any risk? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are definite benefits from screening mammography. Among 50-69 year old women, screening mammography reduces the risk of death from breast cancer by about 25%. But mammograms are not risk free. While many people think the only risks are from radiation exposure which can cause new cancers, that is a minimal risk and not generally considered a problem. The main risk from having a screening mammogram is over detection of an abnormal result so that unnecessary biopsies and treatment are performed. In an Australian study, for every 1000 women screened over 10 years, up to one quarter (251/1000 - depending upon age) receive an abnormal result and are recalled. Of these 251 women, about 187 will just require extra mammogram xrays and the other 64 will have at least one breast biopsy. Only as many as 26 women will have a positive biopsy showing invasive cancer and about up to 6 will have a premalignant (ductal carcinoma in situ - DCIS). The other 32 women will have biopsies that do not show any cancer. What is most interesting is that of 1000 women who do not have any screening mammograms for 10 years, only 20 breast cancers will be detected. This discrepancy of 12 breast cancers or DCIS per 1000 screened women and non screened women is called the over detection due to screening mammography. Some of these 12 extra cancers may be because mammography can pick up cancers earlier in their development. The other extra cancers may not ever grow to clinical detection size or a woman may die from some other problem before the breast cancer becomes a problem. The net result is that mammograms are beneficial in preventing some deaths from breast cancer but because of over detection, their benefit is not as high as one would suspect. There are about 0.5, 2, 3, and 2 fewer deaths from breast cancer that occur "over 10 years among 1000 women aged 40, 50, 60, and 70 years respectively who choose to be screened compared with women who decline screening at these times." Does any of this mean you should or should not have screening mammograms? Doctors recommend screening mammography because of the above benefits even though the benefits (about 2-3 deaths per 1000 women over 10 years) are not as high as one would think. On the other hand, women have to realize that there can be a "down-side" to screening mammography in that many women may have to undergo biopsies that are unnecessary and also to suffer the complications from those biopsies even though they did not end up having a cancer. Do mammograms pose any risk? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Blood mercury levels and performance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mercury levels are commonly measured in hair samples or in blood. Hair samples represent longer term exposure to mercury and are less reliable to predict whether the current blood level is at a toxic amount. It is, however, a less expensive screening test. Blood levels are more accurate but also more expensive and not available as a home screening test as are hair levels. The US Environmental Protection Agency's recommended maximum blood level of mercury without any adverse effects is 5.8 µg/L. Most women average only about 1.0 µg/ml and children normally have even lower levels of 0.5 µg/L on the average. In a recent study of Baltimore residents aged 50- 74, investigators found the median blood mercury level of these older adults was 2.1 µg/L (range, 0-16 µg/L). After adjustment for other attributes that might affect the levels, increasing blood mercury was associated with worse performance on a test of visual memory. However, increasing blood mercury levels were also associated with better performance on finger tapping, a test of manual dexterity. The authors concluded that was not strong evidence that blood mercury levels are associated with worse neurobehavioral performance in this population of older urban adults. I do not think that we should conclude that mercury is not harmful. Rather the above study just illustrates that the cognitive decline associated with aging is not probably very often due to a toxic metal such as mercury. Furthermore doctors rarely check for toxic metal exposure and considering that up to 8% of women in the U.S. have levels above the EPA's recommended level, it is something that should be checked more often. Do not be afraid to request such a test from your physician or get one of the home screening tests. Blood mercury levels and performance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Reader submitted Q&A - Recurrent breast lumps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I developed 2 lumps in my breast (same breast) and had both removed in '98. The lumps came back after three months and have had mammograms every six months for three years and once a year since. What is the cause? I limit caffeine. Watch my diet and beverages. The lumps were fat and at last year's exam my radiologist said the lumps were from hormones. What do you think? I am 46 years old, still menstrual, had an aunt (father's sister) who had breast cancer, and survived. Taking no meds and always take the stairs and walk the dog." - mary Recurrent benign breast lumps usually fall into several categories: fibrocystic condition fibroadenomas fibromas Fibrocystic condition varies quite a bit during the month as far as size and tenderness but usually it does not form discrete lumps that you can find in the same place time after time. I doubt if this is what you are experiencing. Fibrocystic change is however worsened by large amounts of caffeine intake whereas fibroadenomas and fibromas are not. The "adenoma" part of fibroadenoma refers to breast glandular tissue. While some people believe the glandular component is caused by hormones, most evidence does not support hormones as a cause. However, once you have glandular adenosis, the hormones may stimulate growth of that glandular component. Fatty tissue breast lumps are called lipomas but for the most part I do not think they are recurrent. If the breast lumps you have had are really lipomas, it may be possible that you have just had new lipomas that came up in slightly different places after the removal of the first ones. The rule-of-thumb with discrete breast lumps is to remove them surgically. Even though you may think they are just a recurrence of a benign lump, you cannot be sure. They tend to obscure any breast cancers that arise near the lumps until the cancer has become quite big. This happens because either you or the doctor assumed the lump that was felt was benign. Even if you have a discrete lump that has been stable in size on mammograms for three years, I would suggest having it surgically removed. That way it will not hide a new small cancer. Finally, be sure to find out what the diagnosis is officially. If it is not a discrete mass but rather it is called fibrocystic change, then removing it surgically would not be recommended. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Facts about sarcoidosis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory condition of the body although we do not know what agent causes the inflammation. The inflammation is different than producing the usual red, swollen tissues. In sarcoidosis, tiny hard lumps form called granulomas. The granulomas may bunch together to form larger masses of tissue. Lung, lymph nodes and skin are common places that these granulomas form although they can also occur in the eyes, liver, spleen, salivary glands and muscles. Symptoms produced by sarcoidosis include: Uneasiness, feeling sick ("malaise") Tiredness, fatigue, weakness Loss of appetite or weight Fever Sweating at night during sleep Lymph Node enlargement Red eye Sensitivity to light (photophobia) Eye dryness Seeing black spots (called floaters) Blurred vision Shortness of breath Wheeze Cough Chest pain Irregular heartbeat (palpitations) Joint stiffness The diagnosis is usually suspected by physical exam or by xray evidence of masses but it is confirmed only by biopsy of the granulomatous tissue. Treatment is only given to control symptoms or to improve the function of organs affected by the disease. Treatment may or may not affect the long- term outcome of the disease. In fact, One study found that 5-10 years after diagnosis, there was no difference in recovery between people who had received a short course of treatment and those who had not. About 60% of the time no treatment is given because the symptoms are tolerable and not severe. Sometimes, however, steroids are needed to inhibit the inflammatory granulomas from growing or even cancer chemotherapeutic agents such as Plaquenil(R) (hydroxychloroquine), Cytoxan(R) (cyclophosphamide), methotrexate or Immuran (azathioprine). Even though sarcoidosis is a not a cancer, sometimes it has to be treated as if it is. Since it can affect almost every organ of the body, it is a serious medical condition. The odds of recovering from sarcoidosis is good. Most often, it goes away spontaneously within a few years. About 75 percent of all patients have only the acute form of sarcoidosis and, for about half of them, the disease leaves no significant residual problems. Sometimes, however, sarcoidosis can remain active for years and cause organ damage. It may significantly reduce a person's physical activity. About 25 percent of all patients have this chronic form of the disease. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Health tip to share - Cluster H.A. and low carbs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "In response to the woman who had cluster headaches. For years I got regular bad headaches mostly behind my right eye. Had watering eye and nose. I woke up with them. Often had to take Fiorinal(R) to get rid of them. I went on a low carb eating plan and realized 4 or 5 months later that I rarely got headaches. With a blood test I have found I have a number of food allergies that cause sinus problems, etc. I believe either cutting out sugar or possibly wheat has virtually eliminated my headaches. Hope this helps someone. Have been eating low carb for 2 years and had only half dozen headaches, rather than multiple per month." - Nancy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Humor is healthy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Understanding Men" Men claim women control them because women understand men, while men know nothing about women. Let's see if women really understand men... The nice men are ugly. The handsome men are not nice. The handsome and nice men are gay. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money. The handsome men without money are after our money. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank, heaven, are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE! The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative. Now... Who On Earth Understands Men? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for this time. Your BACKUPMD on the Net. Rick Frederick R. Jelovsek MD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
********** Health Newsletter *********** May 15, 2005 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biweekly from BackupMD on the Net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Direct to consumer drug advertising 2. Alendronate for osteopenia prevention not cost effective 3. Reader submitted Q&A - GI reflux meds 4. The 5 top cholesterol lowering foods 5. Health tip to share - Constipation 6. Humor is healthy The next newsletter will be in two weeks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Direct to consumer drug advertising ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that pharmaceutical companies are advertising prescription drugs directly on TV, c
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