Womens Health
Failure after Burch procedure
8 Replies
martucha1970 - January 4

Does anyone know the failure rate of retro-pubic bladder neck suspension, Burch procedure. I had the surgery a little over a year ago, and now my stress incontinence is worse than before the surgery. Could i have done something wrong during my recovery to cause it's failure?


kayla - June 15

you must doing something strenuous activities that may have caused pressure and lead to a worse stress incontinence.


Jenny - August 8

you have to avoid activity that will put too much stress on your abdominal muscles.


lynda - August 21

there are complications that may occur, which includes bleeding, wound infection, injury to the bladder, urethra and uterus, and blood clots, so be careful.


dillane - August 22

you may experience urethral obstruction because of urethral kinking due to the elevation of your vagina or bladder phase.


shameka - August 22

i suggest you to visit your doctor asap, you may need a corrective surgery.


becca - September 4

my friend who once has this procedure experienced vaginal prolapse.


lavelle - September 8

it is better that you will also lose some weight and change your diet plan.


TRISHA - September 9

there are alternatives you may want to try to avoid weakening of the urethral support. regular/daily exercise of your pelvic muscles called kegel.



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