Um, did any of you ever have something that looked like cottage cheese down there?
Argh. I just spat coffee all over my keyboard. Damn girl, that's not a nice thing to do to me first thing in the morning!
I did something to YOU???
How doya think I'm feeling with cottage cheese down there????
Geez, thanx for your loving support schoendienst.
Now girls, don't fight. Pull those claws back in.
Cottage cheese did you say?
Take a look: http://www.wdxcyber.com/npapvag.htm
Gee beth, that sounds nasty. It definitely doesn't sound normal. Probably some kind of infecton. Can you see your doctor?
Could be a yeast infection.
you can get stuff otc for that - just shoot it up and vwalla, over if a flash
easy to take care of-just go to the pharmacy and get some monostat 7 or whatever it is called The commercial is on all the time