Womens Health
Large Fibroid and Thickened Endometrium Combo...
1 Replies
T.White - August 27

I had a CT scan (abdomen/pelvis) a little over a week ago and today I received the results. My gynocologist has not called me and so I have been trying to get info from what I am reading online.
The report says that I have a "large fibroid measuring 7.8 cm with evidence of necrosis" and that the "endometrium is markedly thickened measuring 2.2 cm." It also mentions "endometrial neoplasm or hyperplasia" also being "in the differential diagnosis." Another concern: it also states that the left ovary "appears normal but is displaced out of the pelvis."
Does this combination lean me strongly toward hysterectomy as the only resolution? Any info/comments would be greatly appreciated!


dsobwjd - September 8

Your doctor will probably use Hysterectomy as a last result. Novasure is the option we are looking at for my similar situation. what have you found out since your diagnosis and talking with your OB?



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