Hello everyone!
I've been reading some of the topics in the forum and from just anxious got to alarmed all of a sudden. I don't really know if I actually have a problem, but I'd appreciate some advice.
I've always been having periods of 5-6 days with extensive blood flow the 2nd and 3rd day. However, as of 2 mths ago my flow decreased to about 3-4 days and only one day of havier flow but nothing like before. Also there usually if some brown discharge after me period ends (maybe for a day or so). I've been having cramps ever since the beginning (it sort of runs in the family, my gran also had it and got rid of it after giving birth). Also I should mention I'm 23 and currently not on any pills (and never have been on BC). So, should I be alarmed about the decrease in the flow? Please, help a sister out! :)