Womens Health
Early Menpause?
3 Replies
RacheyC26 - January 1

I need some advice on something that is worrying me. I am a 26 year old female and I suffer from hot sweats on and off, sometimes once a day sometimes once a week. I have suffered from alcholism for nearly four years and am have been cutting down for a few months. Also I take antidepressents. I still have peroids. Does it sound like symptons of early menopause or symptons of a bad lifestyle? Im really worried as I want to still have kids


Miller.H - February 1

I'm having the same symptoms and I am only 28. Although I don't suffer from alcoholism, but I do take medication for a mood disorder. I have had a c- section and a tubal liagation and have since had problems with hot flashes and heavy menstal cycles and a discharge afterwards. Could I possibly be going thru menopause?


bossyft - February 21

I have sweats but that's not to bad cause its mostly late night.49 had not had a relationship for a couple years now after I have sex there's blood but I have no period is that part of menopause or normal reation to sex after waiting so long


divina_07 - June 16

although it is common on women during menopause, seems like you are too young to already have your menopause. you mentioned that you are taking antidepressants. medications can also cause you hot flushes and maybe that is the reason why.



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