Womens Health
Body Changes
2 Replies
Shavel_16 - January 26

Every since I've had sex 3months ago I've notice a couple of changes. I pray I don't have an STD bcuz he did 4yrs earlier but he was cured. I noticed that I had bleeding btw periods and I had a yeast infection but I'm cured and 2wks later there's no smell nor discharge but I feel as if I have a rash idk. When I use the bathroom it doesn't burn while urinating bt when I wipe with tissue it gets irritated. Tonite I just had another bleeding btw my period. I'm on the pill but I shouldn't be ovulating if I'm on the pill. I need some answers please...I'm only experiencing buring after wiping and bleeding btw periods. Oh yea my appetite has picked up I'm bloated on somedays and have felt nausea like symptoms and I've gained weight. Can someone give me a clue on what they think???


rhodora - June 7

if you're on pills off/on, then maybe it has something to do with having hormonal imbalance.


beverly - July 14

that was four years ago, how about this time? did you ask your partner about it?



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