I heard that women don't get symptoms with gonorhea. If you don't get symptoms, how r u supposed 2 know u have it?
I hear u. I always thought that wasn't fair. But there are some symptoms that women get like green discharge, burning when they pee, and pain in the butt.
Most women don't get symptoms, its true, but anyway, who has sex without a condom these days? U don't need to get the clap if your taking precautions.
When was this world ever fair to women, huh? Y r u so surprised, beth?
U shold take a test, cuz it can lead to PID if you don't get treated.
if you're having unpretected sex and you're worried often that you might have gon or another std, then get tested for them. go to the doc and ask to be tested - although it's a lot easier to just have protected sex, don't you think?
regulary screening is a good idea to find out whats goin on in there. i think public health outposts have free testing