Womens Health
christa - January 1

Does anyone know: if i have hpv and am pregnant does this cause a problem for my baby? I heard that my baby can catch this during delivery? is this true? help anybody. What do I do?


nicolaruijne - September 25

Yuh. I know about that. I heard that most of the time the baby doesn't get it from the mother, but even if they do, it doesn't come out as serious for the baby. It can make breathing probs, I think.
Don't you think you should mebbe ask your gyn???


christa - September 25

yah, i have an appointment for next week but i am freaking out in the mean time. i am ready all of these articles on the internet and they are making me crazy. maybe i should sign up for a c-section and then just avoid the whole chance of contamination during birth.


michelled3 - September 25

hpv can be transmitted to the baby and while it may not look bad to begin with, the virus can cause lot of bad problems later on like genital warts. btw - there's no cure


christa - September 25

thanks for the info--i freakin know there is no cure. but how do i prevent giving it to my baby?


michelled3 - September 25

don't do a c-section unless you have too man. it takes a long time to recover and your in pain for weeks. at least with a vag birth your over it fast and you don't have to deal with being a crip for weeks on end


michelled3 - September 25

okay, like the pros say that if you have warts then a c-section is a definite maybe - no warts, no op. I think they do a test or something on the baby when its born



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