Womens Health
The Clap?
6 Replies
nicolaruijne - January 1

Jes wondering out loud, here...anyone know why they call it the clap??


sophia - October 2

GIYF. Look it up.


thurmond - October 2

google may be your friend, sophia, but I found the answer in wikipedia!


schoendienst - October 2

They used to slap the penis on both sides to get rid of it, like clapping.


beth - October 2

I heard it's froma french word. Figures ;-)


beth - October 2

from clapoir or clapier. One means sex sore, the other means house of prostitution.


babygoodwin - October 3

schoendienst - you're kidding, right? where did you come up with that - lol! Sounds like Beth knows the answer here...interesting question nicolaruijne



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