Womens Health

Creating an Allergy-Free Home

Many people suffer from allergies and don't know the best way to treat them.  There are so many different allergies, including dairy allergies, pollen allergies, animal allergies, and more, that it's often hard to identify your allergies and treat them correctly.  One thing that anyone who has allergies can, and should, do is to make the house hypoallergenic.  You spend as much time in your home as you do in any other location, and this place should be as hypoallergenic as possible.  Here are a number of suggestions for keeping your home allergy-free for easier and healthier living.

Air Quality In the Home

Many people are allergic to allergens and air pollutants that come from the great outdoors.  The change in seasons often creates allergies, as there is more pollen in the spring, more cut grass in the summer and more mold in the fall.  If you have sensitivity to the change in seasons, then keep your windows and doors closed and set your air conditioner and heater to re-circulate the air.  Make sure that you change your filters regularly as well. It is also important to keep moisture to a minimum by using dehumidifiers for crawl spaces.

Watch The Dust

You may not realize how many items in your home collect dust.  Drapes are traps for dust, so if you insist on having them, make sure to have them cleaned often.  Select light shades instead of drapes when possible.  Pull up carpeting or don't put it down and use wood flooring whenever possible.  If you insist on having rugs, use low-pile rugs and carpets and have a vacuum cleaner with a strong air filter which can remove all sorts of dirt and particles.  Make sure to clean blankets, stuffed animals and dolls on a regular basis.  Dust loves these items, and the dust build up can create real problems with allergies.  If you can't wash something in the washing machine, stick it in the freezer for three to five hours once a week!  The dryness in the freezer will actually kill dust mites.

Buy Hypoallergenic Products

Dust mites love beds, pillows and other furniture.  Buy impenetrable casings that are sold at some bedding stores and at any hypoallergenic store.  These go around the mattresses and the pillowcases.  Put these on all of the beds in the house and make sure to wash bed sheets once a week in very hot water.  Comforters and decorative pillows should be kept to a minimum and should be cleaned at least once a month.  Don't buy down pillows or comforters if anyone in the house has allergies.  Your best bet is to buy hypoallergenic bedding products that are made of natural materials that shouldn't increase allergies.

Rethink The Animal

It's hard to say, but many people are allergic to their animals and don't realize it.  If you already own an animal, try to keep it restricted to certain areas indoors.  Keep your bedroom and a few other rooms off limits.  Bathe and groom the animal regularly and vacuum the house a great deal.  If you don't yet own an animal, but hope to get one, stick to animals that don't shed.  Find a short haired or hairless animal.  Poodles and Rex cats are two of the most recommended animals for people with allergies.

Watch the Mold

Mold can create allergies, and the kitchen, bathroom and basement are the areas that are most likely to develop mold.  Make sure that your bathroom curtains and tiles are cleaned regularly and use a diluted bleach solution in areas where you do find mold or mildew.  Keep these rooms well ventilated and dry.

Watch Out When You Want To Look Great

Finally, many primping products cause allergies.  Many shampoos, conditioners and lotions have protein hydrolysates which help to add moisture to your skin.  They also cause allergies in some people.  Buy hypoallergenic bath products whenever possible.  Similarly, many perfumes and make-up products can cause allergies.  Look for hypoallergenic brands that will look great and will be natural on your skin.

Following these guidelines will go a long way to helping your family stay clear of allergies.  The more hypoallergenic your home is, and the more cleaning you do, the better chance you have of feeling good in your home.  Don't go crazy cleaning and changing all of your products - but using these suggestions within reason should help in your fight against allergies.

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