Womens Health

Lysteda Heavy Bleeding

Help For Excessive Bleeding?

Heavy menstrual bleeding is reported each year in the United States by over three million women of reproductive age. While uterine fibroids may be responsible for some cases of excessive menstrual bleeding, generally there is no underlying health condition known to cause heavy periods, yet such excessive bleeding during periods can be incapacitating for some women. If you are a woman who has suffered excessive menstrual bleeding, you are fully aware that such heavy bleeding can cause pain, mood swings, and total disruptions to work, family, and life in general.

What if Lysteda?

Lysteda is a relatively new drug which is non-hormonal and helps blood to clot, with a goal of treating heavy menstrual bleeding. Lysteda clots blood by stabilizing a protein in the body which helps blood clot, but does not stop menstruation, treat pre-menstrual symptoms, provide birth control or protect against STD's. Lysteda's active ingredient is tranexamic acid, a man-made form of the amino acid lysine. The tranexamic acid prevents the body's natural enzymes from breaking down the blood clots, thus lessening the heavy bleeding. Tranexamic acid was actually approved by the FDA in 1986, in injection form, and was used to reduce or even prevent bleeding during or following a tooth extraction in patients with the hereditary bleeding disorder known as hemophilia. It wasn't until much later that Lysteda began to be used for women with heavy periods, significantly reducing the menstrual blood loss.

How is Lysteda Taken?

While your doctor will establish the dosage and frequency for your specific health issues and individual needs, in general Lysteda is taken for five days only, during your monthly period. It is typically taken as two tablets, three times a day, taken at least six hours apart, and unless your doctor tells you otherwise, should not be taken for more than five days in a row. Should you miss a dose of Lysteda, take it as soon as you remember, unless it is almost time for your next scheduled dose, in which case you should skip the missed dosage and simply return to your regular schedule.

Adverse Reactions and Drug Interactions

The "typical" adverse reactions reported by women using Lysteda include headaches, sinus and nasal symptoms, back pain, abdominal pain, muscle and joint pain, anemia or fatigue, however if you are taking hormonal contraceptives while using Lysteda, you will be at an increased risk of blood clots, stroke or heart attack; if you are currently taking a hormonal contraceptive, you should only take Lysteda if your doctor determines the benefits outweigh the potential risks. Lysteda may interact with blood clotting or blood thinning medications, certain leukemia medications, Chlorpromazine, hormonal birth control pills, Tretinoin, coagulant complexes, and some vitamins, nutritional supplements or herbal products.

Don't Use Lysteda If....

If you suffer from color blindness or have problems with the blood vessels in your eyes, or if you have a history of stroke, bleeding in your brain or have recently had a blood clot, then you should not take Lysteda. If your menstrual cycles are less than 21 days apart or longer than 35 days apart, or if you suffer from kidney disease, leukemia, or a history of endometriosis, talk to your doctor about taking Lysteda.

If you have suffered for years with the debilitating effects of heavy menstrual bleeding, Lysteda may be the solution you've been waiting for, provided you are healthy and don't suffer from any of the medical conditions listed above. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking Lysteda and getting your life back during the week of your periods each month.

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