Womens Health

Yeast infections and ovulation

A bacterial or yeast infection should not affect ovulation at all. I don't think we really know if the vaginal creams decrease your chance of getting pregnant though. It is possible because they may act as a barrier to decrease sperm even if they are not spermicidal and don't alter ovulation.

In your current circumstances, I would suggest a trial of over-the-counter, anti-yeast medication for three days then discontinue before ovulation time. Also stop the feminine powder. If the symptoms come back later in this cycle or the next, you need to see your physician to get a proper diagnosis.

What is a wet-prep test?

Have you ever heard of a wet-prep test before? I was told by a girlfriend about this wet-prep but she didn't expand on it.

A wet-prep is a simple test we use frequently in the office to diagnose three of the most common vaginal infections: bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and yeast (candidiasis).

Trichomonas is an STD (sexually transmitted and requires simultaneous treatment of partner). Bacterial vaginosis (BV) may be transmitted sexually but not usually so, and yeast is not an STD.

Does a Gyn normally do wet-prep tests as a routine? Or would I have to request a wet prep test? Sorry to bother you with this but I want to make sure that when I go see my Gyn that I am asking the right questions. Please advise if doing a wet prep test is normal procedure?

A wet-prep is not a normal component of a regular exam. It is a normal office procedure for someone complaining of a vaginal discharge or, if on speculum exam the Gyn sees a discharge that might be trichomonas or BV. If you wanted the test just to be absolutely sure you did not have a sexually transmitted trichomonas infection, you would have to ask separately for it.

I want to get tested for all the STDs. I would like to ensure that I am getting tested for every possible STD. How does one go about doing this? Is it costly?

If you have a negative wet-prep test for trichomonas, GC (gonorrhea) and chlamydia tests, herpes and AIDs, you have covered by far the most common STD's. Any further testing should be guided by your signs and symptoms and your physician's clinical exam especially for the rare STD's like chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, and granuloma inguinale.

Blood tests can be used to pick up the not-so-rare sexually transmitted infections such as hepatitis B and C and syphyllis (you've already had the AIDs blood test for HIV 1 and 2, I assume).

These tests have variable costs but should be under US $100. Many public health departments will do them for free and insurance often covers their cost.

Table of Contents
1. Vaginal Dysplasia
2. Bartholin duct abscess
3. Dysplasia and cancer
4. Smoking and dysplasia
5. Vaginal itching
6. Contact vulvitis
7. Yeast infections and ovulation
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