Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding (not on hormonal contraceptives)
Frederick R. Jelovsek MD
- Extra bleeding after starting low carbohydrate diet
- Almost continuous bleeding this cycle
- Bleeding for 18 months - dysfunctional and submucosal fibroids
- Midcycle pink, watery bleeding with cramps
- Pre and postmenstrual light spotting
Extra bleeding after starting low carbohydrate diet
I just recently started a low carbohydrate diet. On the second day of the diet, my period was scheduled and it lasted for 5 days. On the 6th day, I started spotting and this lead to a lite period with no cramping. I feel fine. It's like my period just started over again. I have 3 kids and always have a normal period. 6 years ago, I had a tubal. I take In less than 20 grams of carbs per day (Dr. Atkins diet). I FEEL GREAT. Is this diet affecting my period? If not, what could it be?
Almost continuous bleeding this cycle
I have always had normal periods until recently. My last period started and lasted 9 days. I stopped for 6 days and then started again. I bled continuously for about tw weeks at which time I had no bleeding for about 24 hours and then started again. The bleeding is and has been bright red. Some days are heavier than others (but never so little I'd call it spotting). I have continuous low back pain that I seldom had before this started. I feel bloated. I called my GYN doc and was told to wait it out as long as I can stand it.
I had a tubal ligation 2 years ago. I have elevated B/P and take medicine daily. I am allergic to Provera®/DepoProvera®/Curretab®--I broke out in hives, swelled (face,hands, feet) and had a headache for weeks after taking these meds. I also have migraines associated with my period. I have only had one migraine during all of this bleeding but it lasted for 3 days. Normally, I take my Imitrex® injection 1X and my headache is gone within 30 minutes. Help-- what could be the problem? I don't know how much longer I can stand this!
Normally doctors can shorten the abnormal bleeding by use of progestins to stabilize the endometrium, then induce a withdrawal bleed. In your case, you are allergic or react to the commonly used medicines. The only choices are to wait it out, as your doctor advised or possibly use oral contraceptives (OCPs) that have different progestins. If you also react to OCPs, then just waitng it out is the best option. If it goes on a third month, sometimes adding just an estrogen (low, postmenopausal doses) may help to stabilitze the endometrium. If you can take OCPs, about a 10 day course may help. Talk with your doctor again about it.
Bleeding for 18 months - dysfunctional and submucosal fibroids
I have had extensive problem with bleeding. My regular meds are Lasix® and potassium for Meniere's Disease, with Effexor® for depression. I started bleeding abnormally about 18 months ago. I have always had heavy periods. I waited 9 months to see a doctor because I thought it would clear up, but about a year ago, my primary care doc gave me a Depo-Provera® shot to stop the bleeding. It doubled it instead. He then referred me to an Ob/Gyn which could not help me until the Depo-Provera® wore off. He did perform a D&C about eight months ago. This only stopped the bleeding for 4 days. Then I took estrogen starting a week or two after the D&C. This did nothing. Then I took Premarin®, 10mg once daily, for three months. This did nothing.
About 4 months ago, they found two fibroids and they were removed by hysteroscopy. This worked for one week. I started again. I had a kidney stone episode and removal a month after. As of last month, I am taking Premarin® again, 10mg twice a day, for 10 days. This has seemed to stop the bleeding but not the cramps, blotting, and discomfort. The doctor told me this should regulate everything. I need a second opinion. Is this treatment going to do the trick? Or should I seek a different treatment?
Midcycle pink, watery bleeding with cramps
I am on day 21 of my cycle and am 6 days past ovulation. On day 17 I started cramping and had a patch of medium flow, red bleeding that faded into a light spotting then stopped. Over the next two days I had some very light spotting and cramping. Yesterday the cramping had gotten worse and included lower back pain, and I had some heavy, red bleeding that lasted about 5 hours. Now, since last night, I have been having a rather heavy (by that I mean a steady flow), pink, watery bleeding accompanied by uncomfortable cramps. It feels like I am constantly urinating, and the cramps had gotten so bad that I had broken down twice and took some Advil®. I have never had this type of bleeding before. Do you know what causes it? Will it affect conceiving?
Pre and postmenstrual light spotting
I am 26 and for the past 4 months or so my period has been changing. At first it was just a few days at the beginning or at the end of my period with a light flow. Now light spotting lasts for about 1 week before I get a normal flow and then about 4 days of a light flow. This light flow is not enough to show up on any pads. I only notice it when I urinate because it shows up on the toilet paper. It seems my the time frame between periods is still about 28 days or a little over. Could this be a hormone imbalance? Could vitamins help? What about anemia? I have been told anemia could cause problems with your periods and I am always cold. Also, is it likely this could be related to a more serious medical condition?
Are you taking any medications or over-the-counter supplements or meds?
No I am not taking any medications or anything over the counter. If this was a liver disease I would have side effects, right?
Usually fatigue and sometimes jaundice, sometimes not much at all with hepatitis C.
Do you mean hepatitis related to AIDS?
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