Womens Health

Incontinence after fall/disc injury

I fell down a flight of stairs about 4 months ago. I went to the emergency room and they took regular back X-Rays and did not find anything wrong. After the fall I started to leak urine and have occasionally noticed blood in my stools.

I also have pain in my lower waist down my left and right legs and have been experiencing numbing and tingling throughout my arms and legs. What are the symptoms of a Slipped/Prolapsed Disk of the spine/back, and how is it diagnosed?

Is it possible that I need another type of test such as an MRI? Could this be connected to the urine leakage?

MRI is the best way to detect a disk problem which can cause numbness, tingling, and/or pain in one or both legs. Arms should not be affected unless there is a high injury.

From your description of symptoms, you should see an orthopedist or neurosurgeon for a full diagnosis. If you are having weakness of the legs at all, it is urgent that you see someone right away.

Sometimes nerve root irritation from a disc problem can cause uninhibited bladder contractions (bladder spasms) which in turn can cause leakage. You should first be evaluated and diagnosed for disc injury.

Then if any treatment does not quickly help the bladder leakage, see your gynecologist or urologist for treatment for the bladder.

Unable to void after vaginal hysterectomy

Immediately after a vaginal hysterectomy a catheter was put in and when I went back for my first week check up to measure urine and to see if I could come off the catheter, I wanted to urinate but my bladder would not function.

I returned at the end of the second week and the same thing happened. Next week will be the third week and I am afraid that my bladder will still be nonfunctioning. Any information on this condition or advice?

By not functioning, I assume you mean you cannot void at all, even if the bladder is quite full. That is different than being able to void but not completely emptying the bladder.

If you are unable to void at all, it is usually due to swelling around the urethra (opening from bladder to outside), spasm of the urethra due to irritation of the catheter, swelling around the bladder contraction muscle (detrusor), medications that affect the urethra or detrusor, and finally, if you had extra repair work to correct urinary incontinence, the stitches near the urethra may be too tight (usually due to swelling).

Usually voiding difficulty after surgery clears within a month. Rarely it will last out to 3 months if you had any continence surgery performed. After 3 months, voiding difficulties are much less likely to get better on their own.

Table of Contents
1. Post-Surgery
2. You leaking?
3. Incontinence after hysterectomy
4. Collagen injections
5. Endoscopic collagen
6. No urge sensation
7. Voiding dificulties
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