It's just the way I am
According to a study presented by Psychology Today, procrastination is something that is learned and becomes a lifestyle rather than something that is in a person's character. People are not born procrastinators. The study cited explained that procrastination can be a form of rebellion, perhaps against a controlling parent, and becomes an effective way of handling life - perhaps the only way for a child to cope in such a situation.
Sadly, the baggage tags along as we grow up, and this behaviour becomes the way we do life. We will always do what works until such time as it no longer serves us, and then we can opt for change. Identifying the things that mark procrastination, and then choosing to make a quality decision and change can mean the difference between a healthy life and one riddled with problems.
Identifying Procrastination
People who procrastinate don't get things done on time, and arrive late for meetings and events. They're always catching up. Excuses abound as to why things aren't done as they lack self-regulation and self-discipline. Lying to themselves, they use the lines: "I work best under pressure" or, "Pressure makes me more creative." Actually, they only feel that way when, in fact, they are really squandering resources.
Looking for distractions that don't take commitment, like checking email, internet games, dusting the furniture, they find a place to hide from their emotions, such as fear of failure. These people are often more concerned with what others think of them, and that they are seen as having a lack of effort as opposed to lack of ability.
The Cost of Procrastination
Procrastination can cause in all sorts of physical, physiological and emotional illnesses. It can compromise the immune system, allowing greater susceptibility to colds, flu, gastrointestinal problems and insomnia. It can also create a fertile field for depression, feeding off the fear that generates it. And, there's a cost to others as well. Resentment can be the fruit of feeling the responsibility shift as work relationships and personal relationships become strained.
Just as it is a learned behaviour, it can be changed. It requires a commitment to change, a desire for change and the willingness to do what it takes to have what you want. If procrastination is making you ill, destroying your relationships and causing you pain, make the decision to take charge and make change.
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