Womens Health

Restoring Ovulation In PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, also known as (PCOS) is a common cause of infertility. But laparoscopic ovarian drilling is a procedure that can bring on ovulation in women who have this ovulatory disorder. During ovarian drilling, electrocauterization or lasers destroy small portions of the woman's ovaries.

Also known as ovarian diathermy, the surgery is not the procedure of first choice, since patients run the risk of ovarian scarring. Still, women with PCOS, who are anxious to conceive and have run out of options such as medication and weight loss, may want to take that risk. The surgery works best on women in their 20's with a normal body mass index or BMI.

Drilling is done via a small incision while the patient is under general anesthesia. The surgeon begins by making a tiny cut near the navel. A tube is then inserted into the cut and on into the abdomen. A small amount of carbon dioxide gas is issued through the tube to inflate the abdomen, which aids the doctor with insertion of the laparoscope.

Teensy Cuts

The laparoscope is an instrument that helps your physician to take a look at your internal organs. The incision also permits the physician to insert little surgical instruments. In some cases, more than one tiny incision is needed to accomplish the ovarian drilling. Because the surgeon's cuts are so teensy, laparoscopy has become known in patient parlance as, "Band-Aid surgery," referring to cuts so small they can be dressed with Band-Aids.

After a laparoscopy, it's possible you'll be able to return home the same day. In general, patients are able to return to their normal routines within a day of the surgery. Recovery, however, is not complete for at least a few days, and sometimes not for 2-4 weeks.

Ovarian drilling has a fantastic rate of success in restoring the ovulation cycles of women with PCOS. Informal studies have demonstrated that ovarian diathermy brings on ovulation in 80% of cases and with a 50% rate for pregnancy. Around 1,000 women have been studied, thus far.

Associated Risks

No surgery is risk-free, and laparoscopic ovarian drilling, too, has known associated risks, including:

*Abdominal pain, trapped gas

*Allergic reactions to anesthesia

*Infected or bleeding incisions

*Adhesions and scars

*Internal bleeding

*Inadvertent damage to major blood vessels or internal organs from nicks with surgical instruments

Official Tabulation

No official random control studies have yet been performed to examine the procedure's effectiveness in stimulating ovulation in patients with PCOS, and rates for live births have yet to undergo an official tabulation, but physicians have seen the procedure result in live births around half the time it is performed.


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