Womens Health

Symptoms of Fallopian Cancer

Fallopian cancer, also called fallopian tube cancer, is a gynecological cancer that, as the name implies, affects the fallopian tubes. The tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus and are considered the pathway in which the eggs are transported from the one or both ovaries to the uterus.

There aren't very many reported cases of the disease. It's considered extremely rare. Some reports say that here have only been between two to three thousand cases medically reported in the entire world. There is some disagreement among researchers whether these low numbers truly indicate an accurate representation of the number of women who have the disease, or if the numbers are so low because the symptoms are very vague making the cancer difficult to diagnose.

Many of the symptoms of fallopian cancer are similar to symptoms of a much less serious condition. Here's a look at some of the symptoms that could indicate this type of gynecological cancer. All the symptoms don't need to be present to have fallopian cancer. Be aware that just because you may have one or more of these symptoms, the fact that you have these symptoms doesn't mean that you have the cancer. If fallopian cancer is suspected, a full diagnostic procedure will be done by a specialist to confirm the cancer if it's there.

Pelvic Pain

This is a highly generalized symptom that could mean anything from painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) to something more serious like a form of gynecological cancer, including fallopian tube cancer. Most doctors will strenuously encourage their patients not to become panicked and believe they have cancer simply because of pelvic pain. Persistent pelvic pain that lasts for more than two weeks should be evaluated by a doctor. Your doctor will then discuss your symptoms with you to find out a trigger and ways to relieve the pain.

Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

When doctors list abnormal vaginal bleeding as a symptom of fallopian cancer, they're not necessarily referring to heavy period. Abnormal vaginal bleeding could include bleeding in between periods, after douching or after sexual intercourse. It can refer to heavy periods, but the period would need to be unusually heavy. Excessive menstrual bleeding is when the bleeding interferes with your daily activities and usually requires double protection that needs to be frequently changed. Vaginal bleeding in post-menopausal women is often an indication of a health problem, which could include fallopian cancer.

Vaginal Discharge

Healthy vaginal discharge should be either clear or whitish with the possibility of turning yellow when dry. There should only be a mild scent or no smell at all. The texture of healthy vaginal discharge can vary depending on the time of your cycle if you're pre-menopausal to the level of sexual arousal. It can be somewhat dry and sticky or highly stretchy and clear.

A change in texture or color or volume of vaginal discharge often indicates a bacterial or yeast infection. In some cases the change could be a sign of fallopian cancer. If you're concerned about the type of vaginal discharge you have, especially if you notice it's regularly tinged with pink, contact you doctor. Your doctor may take a swab of the discharge for examination in a laboratory under a microscope to find out if there's anything to be concerned about.

Pelvic Masses

In most cases you will not notice a pelvic mass yourself. They're typically felt during a pelvic exam. If a pelvic mass is discovered during an exam, you doctor will likely want to complete follow-up tests to figure out the cause of the mass. These tests could include a CT scan or ultrasound. The majority of pelvic masses are benign ovarian cysts, but the masses can also be a sign of fallopian tube cancer.


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