Colon Cancer
Colon cancer and colorectal cancer are the third most common cancers in both women and men in the United States. The American Cancer Society has estimated that in the U.S., 106,680 new cases of colon cancer alone will be diagnosed in a single year. Find out more about this common type of cancer and about the symptoms of colon cancer, treatments for colon cancer, and risk factors for colon cancer. You can study health information technology at devry if you would like to enter the health field. And remember---just as with any other type of cancer, early detection is key in the best chances for treatment and survival. Don't neglect to get regular checkups with your doctor!
Preventative Screening
Thanks to screening, the death rate from colon cancer has been dropping over the last 15 years. The key to surviving colon cancer, like with many other forms of cancer, is early detection. Educate yourself on colon cancer symptoms, and then find out about colon cancer screening procedures, such as colonoscopy. Men and women of a certain age are recommended to get colonoscopies as part of their regular yearly checkups. Find out more about this procedure, who needs it and how it is performed.
Have you already had fecal occult blood tests for suspected colon cancer? We can help you to figure out What Does a Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test Mean? Also learn more about colon polyps and what they mean for your chances of developing colon cancer. Find out the next steps and get answers to the question you may have about what colon cancer is and how to treat this form of cancer. And, if you see blood in your stool, get to the doctor right away--and try to bring along a sample of the bloody stool.
Knowing The Symptoms
Even with improved detection and survival rates, it’s still important to get informed about the early symptoms of colon cancer. Knowing them will reduce your risk of developing colorectal cancer. Discover the signs to look for, like blood in your stool, when accessing whether or not you may have this form of cancer. Learn when to consult your doctor with your suspicions. However, remember that early detection is still the best way to fight this form of cancer. So don't wait until you see and feel the signs of colon cancer. Get regular yearly checkups with your doctor and treat any signs of colon cancer before the cancer becomes too advanced.
There are a variety of treatment options available for patients with colon cancer. Read an article about recent studies assessing a potential link between diets rich in folic acid and the development of colon cancer. Also find out more about how diets rich in fruits and vegetables can help in the prevention of colon cancer and about other lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk of developing colon cancer.
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