Womens Health
odd smell down there
2 Replies
lilmizzladybug - June 9

um, i'm not sure how to ask my mum about this or anyone for that matter. it's really embarassing. but has anyone experienced an odd smell down in their vagina? i've looked online, obviously, but the results are SCARY. just wanna get someone's real opinion about this.


jenny_bee - June 12

i had that before. i bought an anti-bacterial wash, followed the instructions and the smell went away after a few days. it's probly like if you're wearing something tight like the whole week and it doesn't get to breathe down there. if you want you can get tested though. i'm scared too about STD's. but try a good anti-bac wash and see if that works


lilmizzladybug - June 13

thanks! i bought an anti-bac wash and it's gone! not weird anymore. and yeah, you know i did gain weight and most of my underwear's probably a little too tight now. bought a few that's just the right size.



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