Womens Health
Pelvic, Abdominal and Lower back pain - Tests are fine
1 Replies
mefabgirl - February 28

For nearly 3 weeks now ive had pains ranging from sharp to achy in my lower back, down the sides of my abdomen in to my pelvic area and across my pelvic area. Pain seems to get worse when i need the toilet, but doesnt go afterwards. I finished my period last week.
I've been told it was a kindey infection, then a UTI, then appendix problems, then Ovarian cysts, now the docs have no clue.
I've been to the NHS walk in twice, seen 4 doctors, been to A&E, been submitted to hospital, had 2 sets of antibiotics, given various pain killers that dont really work, urine/bloods/blood pressure/temperature are fine. I had an ultrasound today and was told everything was fine, including my kidneys, the only thing that was mentioned was that my uterus tilts back a little and my lining is a bit thick considering i've just finished my period. The pain is getting to me know and im just stuck on a waiting list for a gyny appointment as no one knows whats wrong.
Has anyone experienced anything similar?


latrice - June 7

did you went through pelvic examination? i have the same symptom like cramps on my pelvic area especially during my period and had excessive bleeding at times. bathroom trips are insanely hard for especially when urinating.



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