Hello I'm 18 years old and I have noticed a very big difference in my sex life quite frankly I'm not to sure why I was with my boyfriend for three years and our sex life was great i could almost hit climax through penetration or stimulation every time and then we split for a year we then got back together and have been back together for about 8 months now however I have noticed a big difference in the bedroom and I feel it's on my part not his i find it very hard to climax and don't seem to produce much lubication or get very aroused, if anyone could help suggest why this might be it would be great, I also suffer a lot from water infections and after intercourse can become dry swollen sometimes.
hahaha, i feel you! i just want to make sure, do you go through foreplay before coitus? i just assume not since you did not mention it on your post. girl, there's a big difference if you set the mood first before the grand finale, haha.