Womens Health
AiDS from a toothbrush?
6 Replies
beth - January 1

I know they say you can't get AIDS from a toothbrush, but I don't see why not. I mean, the brush can make little cuts, like sometimes when your gums bleed from brushing? So, doesn't that mean that if he brushes, gets a cut, bleeds, then you share the brush after him, you could get it from him?
This is just theoretical.


schoendienst - September 25

Sounds right to me. Anyone?


thurmond - September 25

That's ridiculous. Even if such an unlikely scenario occurred, exactly how long do you think those germs could live on a toothbrush in the open air. Don't be silly.


sophia - September 25

I dunno thurmond, how do you know how long it takes the air to kill those AIDS germs?? Has anyone done a study on it that you know of???


nicolaruijne - September 25

Ladies, don't get bitchy. Beth is just asking an honest question and your cat fights aren't helping her any. Beth, the experts have said that you can't get it from a toothbrush, so I guess it comes down to trust: either you trust the experts, or maybe don't borrow his brush, even if you have to go to work with dogbreath for once.


rosemary - September 25

why are you doing using somebody else's toothbrush?


yazzygirl111 - November 3

ok say your right BUT what if your using mouth wash right after then what ?



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