Womens Health
Believe the Guy?
10 Replies
amhpgseverino - January 1

my friend just asked me a good q. she's in a relationship and her boyfriend says he doesn't have any stds - he says that if she doens't believe him and insists on using condoms, then she's showing that she doesn't trust him. how do you respond to that?


babygoodwin - October 2

that's just ridiculous. he couldn have something and not even know it. if they both want to go and get tested - and see each other's results - then she can trust him. until then - her life is too important to "trust" his word


nicolaruijne - October 2

You respond with: Get the hell out of my bed!
Seriously, this is God talking to her, givin her a test. Time to get out of this relashunship right now!


sophia - October 2

Tell her there's other guys and she should dump him. There's no place for trust when it comes to stds.


thurmond - October 2

She could say right back, if u care about me, wear a condom. No matter what he says about trust, she should come back with "if u care about me wear a condom"

If he doesn't want to wear the condom, there's other guys that care enough to do that for her. Let her find one of them.


schoendienst - October 2

She can say, "S'long as u don want to wear a condom, we'll have this nice, platonick relationship and get to know each other REAL well first." LOL


beth - October 2

If he wants to play that game, let her play it back. She can say, "My friend had a boyfriend say that to her and she ended up dying from AIDS. Now, I don't want to ask u again, wear a condom, or that's the end of our relatuonship."


rosemary - October 2

And she said: What is it about NO you don't get?


devyntaylore - October 6

just curious. is she still with this clown or did she give him up yet? i mean, that crap would last about ten seconds in my life. hope she gets smart before she gets sick


amhpgseverino - October 6

Girlfriends - that's what I've been telling her - but she just hasn't listened. Now, I can show her that I'm not the only one who thinks she should dump him fast and find someone better. maybe she'll listen now! I sure hope so.


Fijona - December 10

I also say that they should each get tested together. Then it's a mutual scary thing



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