Womens Health
Nancyrua - July 13

Hi I'm a sleepwalker who has sex with a lot of men my enemies. I think they have gave me an std which causes body aches . I get sore after exercise and can't go for long drives because my head aches. I also used to get cramps in my calf muscles but honey fixed that up. I also bled for two months straight heavily two years ago when I think I contracted the disease. I'm afraid that it's gonna get worse and worse as time goes on. I've been tested for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and something else. They came back negative. I think I have an uncommon std. Please help


jennah - June 4

if you only got checked once, maybe you need for second, third opinions. your case is kinda weird when you are getting all that aches, cramps, sores, etc. a general checkup may be advisable for you to know if there are also other underlying conditions aside from your speculation of having STDs.


venus - June 29

visit a medical expert and consult your condition. you need to address also of you being who sleepwalks.



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