Womens Health
4 Replies
sandy - June 16

i have a vaginismus, it's always a painful sexual intercourse with my husband and i am guilty of not giving him the pleasure every time we make love. i get depress and i feel like i am not capable enough to do my duties as a wife. :(


penny - June 28

did you tell him about your condition? you should not feel guilty about it, you didn't want the infection in the first place.


Zeth - July 27

vaginismus is usually linked to fear of having sex and anxiety. are you having somewhat fear of having sex with your husband?


rhodora - July 28

you don't need to worry.there are treatments for vaginismus.


leelaurence - July 29

yes you can do kegel exercises like twenty times or as many times in a day to learn to control and relax the muscles around your vagina.



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