Womens Health
years of hell
1 Replies
lebogang - July 11

8 years ago i developed an infection,it was std,because i had dicharge and i burnt when urinating.now as i speak i have vaginal discomfort,i tried all types of vaginal creams,antibiotics or any medication you can think of with no help,the only time i ever have peace of mind is when am on my period.my symptoms are as follows,cottage cheese discharge,itchiness,sometimes burning,my vagina lips get swollen,and i dont enjoy sex at all,i am 27 years old and have a 2years old son,please help me


Ciara Shoul - June 4

as far as i know, symptoms like cottage cheese discharge means you have Candidiasis or commonly known as vaginal yeast infection. as mentioned above, you already tried all sorts of medication and didn't see any difference at all. maybe it is best to ask for an advice to a gynecologist near you to address your problem, it could be your last resort. don't self-medicate anymore, never take it for granted.



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