Womens Health
not wanting sex - is this normal?
2 Replies
Dawn-Rob - June 9

after 3 kids, i just don't seem to want IT anymore.

what is going on? and who else has the same problem?


Nicole M. - June 12

have you just given birth? that happened to my best friend after giving birth to her second child, she had zero sex drive.


lilmizzladybug - June 13

dawn_rob, you know i went through the same thing a couple of years ago. i was very very very stressed at work and was just always constantly tired. i actually went to my doctor to get help with it. she recommended a few new things my husband and i could do in bed. she recommended more date nights, etc, that sort of thing. she also did prescribed medication - well, estrogen, actually. it helped. but i think mostly, it was just becuase i was super stressed out. maybe this could be your problem too? what with 3 kids and all?



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