unsure if this is STD or not :((
3 Replies
okay so i'm not really sure how to ask my question. all i know is i've had more than a couple of people that ive had sex with...
i try to you know - like choose who i have sex with but you can't be too sure. so last night, i was peeing and when i wiped my V off with tissue paper like i always do after peeing, there as some blood!!!!!!! i got very scared. i peed again that night and same thing. it doesn't hurt though like it's not painful to pee but the blood on the tissue paper is making me nervous
can someone tell me if i should be worried if this is an std or not??? should i get tested?
Hi Jennybee. My 21 year old son contracted an STD through multiple sex partners and it saddens me to hear things like these. I assume you are still a young girl? In your teens, maybe? I hope not. In any case, in my opinion, you should see a doctor and get yourself tested for an STD. Spotting (light blood stains you see on your underwear) are common for most young women but considering your sexual encounters,that might be something different. I hope you will take my advice and go see a doctor or tell your parents or someone older.
yeah thanks patty. i told my aunt and she's coming with me to get tested next week. im worried. i don't have the spotting anymore though but like i'm still scared. hope your son is okay.
i think it is a sign of std when there is a presence of blood in your urine.