Womens Health
Menopausal bleeding
2 Replies
beckabug - June 16

I have been in menopause for 3 years. No periods. Been on estrogen and progesterone creme for hrt. Saw a hormone doctor about a month ago and he changed my hrt. Put me on Vivelle dot .01 mg and Prometrium 200mg. I started bleeding after about 2 weeks. I called his office and he told me to take the patch off and stay on the Prometrium. Have been bleeding now for 8 days off and on. He told me that I might start bleeding because this was a highter dose of estrogen than I had been on. Has anyone else had this problem with higher doses of estrogen and the Vivelle dot?


Rowena0509 - June 6

that is actually one of the side effects of vivelle dot - breakthrough bleeding, spotting.


viviane - August 8

vaginal bleeding is one of its side effects, but if this happens for too long, you should check with your doctor immediately.



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